
By trabroun

Golden Eagle

Had a different kind of Saturday than usual today
First of all the weather was glorious - in Scotland - that's unusual especially if it lasts for more than 3 days in a row!

I was given a gift voucher at Christmas for a Falconry lesson. So today was the day we went to Gleneagles to spend an hour with the hawks.

Once given a quick safety briefing and kitted up with my leather glove I was introduced to Jerry and Harris Hawk with whom I would spend the next 45 mins flying around the hotel grounds. He was a 2 year old hawk weighing 3 kilos and can jet propel bird poo out of himself with a spectacular splat ensuring he got maximum coverage! Fortunately not on us.

You can see Jerry in flight on Say - Raa blips. S's camera wouldn't work so she was armed with mine, which was alot heavier than her's - poor soul trying to take pics of a flying hawk with a heavy camera and broken wrist - did not too bad tho'

This is a blip of a Golden Eagle - from Saudi - He was injured - well - shot at to be honest, sustained a severely broken wing - rescued, repaired in Abu Dahbi and sent to UK for breeding. Except the Brits Birds - our Golden eagles didn't like him because he had golden eyes instead of brown eyes - so the females beat the living daylights out of him!! So he was sent to Gleneagles for rehoming. He flys approx 45 mins per day. Beautiful bird and great o see them so close up - thoroughly recommend the day

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