Rosslyn Chapel

An absolutely glorious day today (we saw people in t-shirts, kid you not!), so Kryptomart and I had a trip out to Rosslyn Chapel and here is where I rant now ... £8.75 entry fee, which I think is outrageous, so needless to say, sneaked a photo from outside before heading into town for a walk. A few years back you could walk round the chapel and only needed to pay a few pounds to look inside. Now, however, they have erected this fancy visitors centre and build a fence/wall round the chapel ... blah!

Construction of the chapel began on 20 September 1456, although it is often been recorded as 1446. The confusion over the building date comes from the chapel's receiving its founding charter to build a collegiate chapel in 1446 from Rome.

The chapel has appeared in much fiction as well as some films as follows:

The Chapel is the setting for part of Dan Brown's 2003 novel The Da Vinci Code (and for part of the subsequent 2005 film of the same name.)

The chapel is mentioned in Darkest Hour by Mark Chadbourn.

It is mentioned in the poem Rosabelle, which forms part of Sir Walter Scott's Lay of the Last Minstrel.

It is a major plot point in Walter H. Hunt's novel A Song in Stone.

It is featured on an episode of Ancient Aliens, where the "Green Men" and the "Apprentice Pillar" are discussed as possible evidence for past extraterrestrial encounters.

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