Sunny Boatyard #1

What an excellent and productive weekend. First up a haircut and then down to get started on the boat. Woodstain! And yacht varnish! And I uncovered the inside of the hull to inspect the back end of the hole. It's quite small in area - it's like the boat has come down on something pretty sharp. Late afternoon (above) I packed up and legged it homewards.
The evening was taken up by Big John's daughter's wedding. A pretty good bash, and blimey the Beatles were there to play. Actually they are called the Beatlez, but they were pretty good, with a wad of celebrity endorsements such as, "As close as it gets" - Paulo Nutini! And they're huge in Latvia. Well, noo the celebrity pensioner will add his endorsement to these young men from Liverpool. "Stottin!"
Downside was I was whisked away with five others at what I thought was midnight. It was bloody eleven pm! I'd put on my watch which I hadn't adjusted for summer time. What a shower of bloody lightweights I'm forced to socialise with at times.

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