From where i stand!!!

By Dancingninja

How many more........

grey days can we have please i don't even mind if we have blue skies and freezing cold, but to day is dreary, drizzly, cold and feels like it's been 4 o'clock all day with the lighting!!!!

Had some news today the story goes as follows.....

On our way home from Eygpt we had a little disagreement with a jumped up little Eygptian man who got me so mad i almost started crying on the coach we'd been told basically to go away and come back when our coach was ready, so we waited did as was told and waited then man comes into reception area shouting Luton flight so we went out and man started arguing with us where have you been you've made the coach 40 mins late!!!
so we had a few words and he was really rude, when we were on the coach and on our way, said man came up to me and again was really rude saying where's your customer survey and i said i haven't done one, he then said I SAID where's your customer survey to which i replied i haven't done one but be rest assured when i arrive home i will be reporting you for the way you have spoken to my family and me. More ranting followed with him pointing to his name badge and spelling it out obnoxious, patronising little s***from him so in the end i asked him to go away.
Anyways when i got home e-mailed someone i know who works at Thomsons in senior management to be exact, normally i would let things go over my head, but we had been so happy with everything until this point that it really upset me and the thought of him getting away with it riled me.
She basically told me that she knows all of the top managers out there and rest assured it will be dealt with!!!!! Hahaha So up yours Jumped up little Eygptian!!!!

Sorry to bore you with this but it made me smile, his face as he spelled out his name on his badge was one of and you think anythings gonna come of this??? SO enough ranting i feel better to have got all that off my chest!!

:) x

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