Occasionally processed

By Moondog

Like With Pie (unprocessed)

Here's the original (jpg) of today's blip. This is actually not what came from the camera (a RAW file, which I won't be using again), but is the result of opening the RAW in Photoforge2 and immediately saving the image without applying any edits.

Then in Filterstorm Pro 2 I turned on layers, then pulled down the RGB curve, using a mask (which created a second layer with the adjustment and mask) using the color match tool; I also erased the mask frm the edges of parked cars and a couple of other spots, painted a solid mask onto the LCD screen, and used a low opacity brush and eraser around the blue sky and surrounding trees to feather the mask in order to get the result I wanted.


I raised the luminance in another layer, so it didn't affect the screen, or (very much) the sky, but did brighten the over-dark brick building. I sharpened it a bit, and finally added a slight S to the RGB curve of the main layer (thus it didn't affect the sky or the LCD screen).

That all sounds a lot more complex (and lengthy) than it really was. Basically it's the same semi-dodging/burning kind of thing I've been doing, but I can go into each individual bit of the picture and modify what I've done and what bits are affected by those adjustments - whereas before it was do it right, or do it over.

Final version here.

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