horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Tonight I saved a life

The cat had cornered this poor wee thing by the strawberry patch outside our living room window, by the time I was out the back door it was in her mouth, squeaking for all its life was worth. Picked cat up; hand under mouth, she drops mouse. Mouse is quiet, then makes a jump for freedom, cat catches it again, same trick, making sure this time that it stays in my hand. Then trying to work out what to do with it I went to the garage and got the birdfood scoop with some seeds in it, mouse seemed happy curled away in there (it had seemed traumatised and very still up to that point after the second cat mouthing). Put on the floor of the garage and that door shut (it can easily get out through any number of holes, but for the time being it's safe from feline felony).

The reason I was able to save it is cos I've been home ill today. Doesn't happen that often. Well. Okay, it did in the 'job-from-hell' before this one, where occasionally the inkling of an illness would lead to a call to the office (though only about half a dozen times in 6 years to be honest). Last night I started succumbing to the cold that had been building for a few days, got only a few hours sleep through not being able to breathe, and the first thing Mel said to me this morning was 'You don't look well'. That kinda made the decision, which was difficult because things are busy and I know that it means if/when I get in tomorrow it'll be a hell-for-leather day.

Ah well. Muggy heid today would have probably done more harm than good sat behind a desk. Instead I wrapped up and Lemsip in hand let the chooks out and watched the garden birds in the morning, and just generally slobbed the rest of the time. Although that's doing myself a disservice - made soup for lunch (at which point the door went for our meters to be read and the lady who came in offered genuine surprise that a chap would be capable of making soup from scratch himself) and generally tidied up a bit and had a very brief wander to the Figgy and back to get some air and see the blue sky. And then saved a life. Obviously.

Waiting for Mel to come home now to make my dinner....

Smiling Sparrow
Clingin Coal Tit
Posed Dunnock
Perched Dunnock
Twitchy Goldfinch
Blue Tit Profile

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