wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg


Another lovely day of holidays today, where not much happened. I went to the gym with a friend who's down for the weekend, we went to a 'body balance' class - tai chi, yoga and pilates all combined into a lovely hour of stretching, core muscles, and controlled motions. It was my first time and I really did enjoy it. Hopefully I might be able to go on Sundays before church - there's a very conveniently timed class in the afternoons.

I'm now reading The Last Light of the Sun by Guy Gavriel Kay. I haven't read anything by him before, but a friend lent it to me, promising it's not his best. Apparently that's supposed to be a recommendation. She did then explain she has very high expectations of his books, and this just didn't quite meet the standards of some of his others. Still not really selling it, but I've now started it, and at page 55 it's looking alright.

And this evening has looked at WW1 from two quite opposite perspectives - first catching up on season 2 of Downton Abbey, followed by a bit of Blackadder. I can only hope that should I ever actually become a lawyer, I can do a little better than George...

Also installed Lion on my mac. Not entirely convinced so far, but nothing horrendous yet. The ultimate test will be the next time I'm writing an assignment with gazillions of PDFs open in different windows - how will it cope with letting me sort them as required and find the one I need quickly. I had a system with expose (referencing guide etc in one screen, articles to read in another, already read articles in another), but I suspect that will need some tweaking to be as efficient with mission control. I'm sure I'll get used to it, and will forget all about how great Snow Leopard was some day.

And that's about all I did. Isn't that lovely! Here's an uneventful photo for an uneventful day!

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