By wellsforzoe

Woman at the well

Yesterday, when looking at the needs of a community in Doroba, represented by 11 women, they gave us a list of 34 wells which were non functioning, either from lowering of water tables or mechanical failure.
Today we followed the list and took to the rocky roads. It was hot, dry, dusty and exciting. We had to find a woman who knew a man who would get a boy to help us. Harisen is an amazing pilot, speaks to everyone in their language (he has seven and a little Gaelic), drives well, reverses and turns exceptionally and only occasionally do I have to show him the way!! Ha Ha.
I forgot to drink enough water and realised the dehydration when I got home at 5 after a full day exposed to a seerhing 40 C.
We visited and surveyed 9 wells, taking GPS and depth readings, put in two new pumps and have a plan for the others. Every bone I never knew I had is rattled, but the expressions of sheer joy in women's faces does it for me. I'll sleep well tonight. One well serves 522 people, and thats tomorrow's problem.

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