St Anthony Redux

OK. So I've been here before. But repetition in winter must always be excused. Slightly different angle, and B&W was a must today.

My first time around the back of Arthur's Seat (I always think that sounds vaguely lewd) for more than two weeks. It was probably slightly less painful than expected but it wasn't helped by having a meeting on the third floor of a 'liftless' building as soon as I got to work. And of course there is the nightly trek up the stairs at home carrying the bike. After a nasty incident involving a small fire in the lift electricals we are once again without a lift, reminding us of the period Jan-March the other year when we were without a lift for about 8 weeks. This could be our fate again this year, but please note it's taken about three weeks before I complained on blip (or indeed Facebook).

Just watching the Hairy Bikers produce a delicious looking cauliflower cheese having just had some excellent gooseberry yoghurt from Hopetoun Farm Shop. And it was cottage pie for tea. Not bad.

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