My little Brother Jim

He is 11 years younger than me so I remember him clearly as a lovely baby, his Mother Elizabeth also had my Step Brother and Sister Alexandra and Julian, the 3 of them were all born at 9.30, my Father had Jim, my brother Tom and I, all weighing 7lb.20z so as his siblings his birth really brought the 4 of us together and made us feel properly connected.
He was a gorgeous little boy, always laughing and full of fun, he has had a tough few years but is now back on track, I'm really proud of him, he has a really positive outlook and seems genuinely happy with his life. He came to stay last night, we played Perudo (liar dice), listened to records and drank wine, so wonderful to see him and catch up with all his news, he lives in Wisbech 2.5 hours away by car, I hope we will be seeing more of each other from now on.

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