A splash of Autumn colo(u)r?

No contest.
Having seen shots, both blipped and un-Blipped, of what some choose to call ''New England'' in what they, similarly, call ''Fall'', I'm sorry to say, from my own experience at least...No contest about covers it; so far as Olde England is concerned.

Funny sort of day, today. I think I've mentioned the odd time or two, or 3, or 4, ..... That lenses do NOT bounce very well. Yesterday the replacement arrived. The Flaming Fedex Fellah knocked with a sponge.
The pair of us were sitting less than 10 paces from the door, with the radio on. We heard the Postbloke deliver, later we heard the letter-box flap fall again.

''Can't be the posty, must be a plastic bag beggar.'' (We're plagued by between 1 and 4 plastic bags per week {It seems} all wanting old clothes/goods: orphans, foreigners, Barnado's, the blind, great North Air Ambulance to mention but a few.)

Some time later, one of us picked the thing up. It was a card ...
''We weren't able to deliver a shipment to you today.''
Bug Writ. Checked online - Camera lens. Double Bug Writ: alternatives...
A) Dash up to Gretna Green to collect it, about 25mls.
B) Phone for re-delivery.
Took option B)

He came today, we sat and watched the road like a pair of circling vultures just in case he still had his sponge.

By the Great Lord Harry - You could have chucked it off the roof, it would have survived intact, it was about the size of a small car and full of bubble-wrap.

Next job - Get fed and out in time to donate ''... a whole armful.'' of blood.
I took The Minder who intended to sit and read while she waited. FAT chance: it was like a school re-union with all the folk she knew, ex-customers, etc. She even managed a cuppa. Good spin- off... One lass, (Clicky will know the Lady {Tracy} with a name akin to a Belly Dancer who owns both ponies/horses AND a bad back told The Gaffer that the expensive, suggested, custom built insoles were worth every penny.

Next - Gaffer to chiropractor, where it was my turn to wait.
Ever the nosey old sod and not bothering with the book on account of the shortness of each session the old eyes roamed; lurking almost out of sight I saw what MIGHT turn out to be today's blip. On perusal, back home, I/we think that's the one.

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