Musical St Basil

I bought this musical model of St Basil in Moscow, it plays Korobushka, the Tetris theme tune!
When I was pregnant with Zebedee I played Tetris on the playstation for the last 2 months, I was very heavy and he was lying in a position that made walking quite painful, I got to level 9 and when he was born and Max held him in his arms for the first time, he sang it to him!
I love Russia and have travelled extensively throughout the country over the last 4 years singing in Nightclubs there, I'm going 3 times next month! To St Petersburg, Perm and Yaroslavl.

In other news, drumroll please....... I lost 4.5lbs at Weight Watchers last week!!!!!!!
A total of 17.5lbs, goodbye fat jeans!!

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