The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Half a yellow sun

This was taken from the same place as the Bay sunset last Saturday. The view across Morecambe Bay from Far Arnside. As the sun descended, it sank into a thick bank of fog out in the Irish Sea which until then had not been distinguishable from the red sky above. So shortly after this, what looked like a promising sunset rapidly petered out.

As I waited for the light show, I was joined by our Arnside friend Simon who had stopped to watch the sunset on his way home from Silverdale. I kept hoping that like last week, the heron would make an appearance in shot. I had seen it earlier fly into the bay at Silverdale. But it didn't reappear until the sun had dissolved into the cloud bank, when tauntingly it flew onto the mudflats in front of us.

If it had not been for the sunset, I would have blipped this, taken as the sun rose over Dallam casting long shadows from the avenue of lime trees. A flight of 4 geese obliged me by flighting across the blue sky in the top left of the picture.

After my Dallam visit, I went home for breakfast, then took Wifie to the train. She is off to Paris for a few well deserved days with the ladies. So Bob and I will have to fend for ourselves.

A year ago: another sunset!

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