Boring life of a sahm

By Mucker

Weekends aren't the same

For those that are parents, do you remember the weekends you had before them?

I vaguely do... weekends used to be about partying, having a laugh with your friends and staying up until the wee small hours talking crap. The next day I would be dying with a hangover, lying on the sofa not able to eat anything and declare I would never drink again!!

Then children came along, have you ever tried doing that ^^^ with kids? It doesn't work and makes you feel worse when the brats little darlings demand attention.

Weekends these days are different, there is washing and ironing to be done for the week ahead. Having the traditional Sunday roast and then dunking the kids in the bath along with doing the usual housework etc

This picture is my former self, do I miss being boozy bird??
No, I don't. I quite enjoy the weekends with my family :)

I did treat myself to a single glass of malibu and orange tonight :)

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