The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Inward or outward looking?

My colleague Maggie prepares to deliver a training course in our office in Crewe. Maggie has featured once before in this journal, very early on, in rather more surreal circumstances at an outdoor event at work.

I hadn't planned to use this. I was going to do one of my night shots, but it has been raining too much to risk the camera, so I shall save that for another night, another blip. Anyway, I have a bit of a weakness for this sort of confused part reflection shot. There's a jumble of different elements inside and outside the room, but for me at least, they work together.

Wifie was going to a Cezanne exhibition in Paris this morning. In her absence, Bob and I are managing. I had ricotta ravioli this evening in a tomato and onion sauce.

Thank you to those who have enquired about my Dad. I have spoken to him this evening, and he sounds in good spirits and doing well. His computer has been taken away for fixing, it seems he may have had a virus that has rendered it almost unusable. Even a couple of months ago, I was unable to use it for anything, so I don't know how he has managed so long. I don't blip from my Dad's house, I don't have a laptop of my own, and when I tried to download some photos on his computer, in return it filled up the camera card with a huge number of music files that proved very difficult to delete. So now I stay well clear. But it's a vital lifeline for him, he communicates with friends all over the world and he is missing those exchanges at the moment. He does have his iPad though, so he isn't wholly cut off.

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