The Little Plectrum That Could...

Guess what I found in the shower at work today when I got in?

A plectrum. For those not in the know, a plectrum is a small shape of plastic for strumming guitar strings. It was actually my plectrum that I lost track of the night previous. I was giving the kids their bedtime song, current favourite is 'Alison's Starting to Happen.' by The Lemonheads, and the plectrum fell from it's perch between the top two strings, into the recesses of the bed.

Totally forgot about it until I found it in the bottom of the shower. It must have stuck to my back whilst I slept last night and stowed away on my skin until it was dislodged by the torrent that is my office's rather splendid power showers.


Notes on the Picture...
It occurred to me that I've slipped into another period of forgetting about the blip fodder that is my kids who are one of my primary reasons for sticking around this neck of the web. To rectify that, here's a picture of Bethany sporting her most brilliant elephant mask she made at school today.

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