
The sky spoke loud and clear this morning - no sunrise but with plenty of force. It was cold and ever so windy with great drifts of sand skimming the surface heading out to sea while a dominant nor west arch hovered above - dramatic it was.

This image was taken just after 5.45am which is the time the sun is now rising, when I pulled out the drive at 5.20 there was a vibrant pink glow across the horizon but was gone by the time I reach the beach - this is what greeted me.

A quiet day with a few jobs, headed out to the gym, a little shut-eye this afternoon as these early morning starts at 3.30am take a bit of getting used to. Daughter E has a defensive drivers course to do and then she can sit her full license and I can sleep in :)

Must fly now as tea is a little late and Hubby will be in the door in 5 - I'll be back later :)

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