Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

The tough beauty - Red Yucca

These red yucca buds seem to not have realized that they should be pretty much dead by now.  But the warm days and bright sun may have a few of them fooled.

The stalks of this Red Yucca have dried up for the season, although at the tip of the stalk  that you can see here there is green, as well as a few of the pods.  Almost all of the rest of the seed pods on the stalks have dried and turned black. Bright tubular flowers bloom for months and are a great bee, butterfly and hummingbird attracting feature.

The plant (sans blooms/stalks) is about 2-3 ft tall. The arching flowering stalks can reach 5 ft.  I had 8 stalks on my plant this year.  The buds are a very attractive bright pink-red.  Red Yucca blooms from spring until early fall. Periodically round seedpods form. Long blooming, good looking, "tough as nails", low maintenance, drought tolerant and it attracts hummingbirds.

It's right behind my patio.  I'm hoping when it blooms next year I can get some nice hummer shots.  By then, maybe I'll know how to use my camera!

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