Driving Home

They were shooting round here today and anyone who follows my journal will know that if there is any chance of a glimpse of moleskin breeks I'm there. Sadly, work commitments meant I didn't get out until late afternoon, so I missed most of the action, but in the last rays of sunshine the autumnal colours were positively glowing.

Now here is a bit of intrigue suitable as a plot line in The Archers (The UK's best Radio Soap - subtitled 'An everyday story of Country Folk' for those who are not in the know.)

For a shoot to be successful, there need to be birds in the right place for the guns. Pheasant and Partridge are bred extensively and to keep them from wandering onto neighbouring land, they are fed daily by the keepers.

There are 3 shoots in the immediate area, with common boundaries and the keepers are always worried about their birds straying onto their neighbours' land.
Well! Accusations have been made about laying trails of seed for birds to lure them across boundaries. Furthermore someone has been chasing birds after dark with lamps.
New fences have been erected with balloons attached to scare the birds in the hope they will turn back.
Cross words have been exchanged.

But here is the twist, one of the keepers involved is a newly appointed Rural Police Special Constable, whose job it is to keep an eye on mischief in the countryside!
I tell you, it all happens round here!!

And for those of you who have not yet died of boredom, or fallen asleep:
News on Movember - there is definitely one stubbly hair growing to the right side of my top lip - I may blip it tomorrow.

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