Covered in Bees

By PaulFS

Salts Mill Chimney

Me and shopping don't mix, unless it's a shop at the end of a spaghetti of wires and servers. And even then I've been close to introducing my laptop to the cul-de-sac via the closed window when frustration turns to rage.

I must have mentioned this many times as yesterday when I revealed I was shopping today, some blippers namely Snapshot Sam, CarolineJay and MrsUnremarkable, remembered my previous shopping encounters!

So today, the day we'd booked off to get the Christmas Shopping done (note the Capital Letters on Christmas Shopping), a different approach was called for.

Inspired by attempts to get people shopping locally again, (a blip champion of this is type of cause is LocalFoodLover who has an excellent journal), we decided to try and get as much shopping done in Baildon, our home village.

I'm pleased to report it went quite well! There's a number of gifty type shops in the village that meant I could get a few unusual things and almost complete the entire Shopping List!

I was also inspired to think of other things I can get online for the remaining few. A trip to Hell will be called for once before Christmas for a couple of things I simply can't get anywhere else but I'm going to plan it with military precision. There's going to be a map, a very early start before the leisurely coffee crowd get there, a steely determination, and no trauma's.

No one will cry this time.

So onto Salts Mill - much loved of many a blipper and a place I also like as long as I don't look up into the lights. They sear through your eyes direct into your brain and bring you instantly to your knees with no mercy.

A couple more gifts and a definite Christmas feel as the weather turned to Armageddon and you watched safely within, trying to forget that you've still got to get to the car at some point...

Lovely meal at Salts Diner and a Salts Mill Chimney Blip to round off the trip.

Even managed a sofa kip. Can't remember the last time! :o)

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