Covered in Bees

By PaulFS

The Dribbling Drip Blip Duck

Gorgeous day today, blue skies, bracing winds, the kind of day you can enjoy outdoors if you're kitted out. Total contrast to yesterday!

I spent the morning giving the grass a final cut and then shooting some remaining flowers and toadstools, trying to get the blue sky in shot.

Cricked my neck and put my left ear in something gooey, but one must suffer for one's blip mustn't one?

Once the general chores were done we went for a wander down to Denso Marston Nature Reserve in search of deer and kingfisher and maybe a heron. The sun was slowly setting so it provided gorgeous light and I knew that I'd have a tough time picking a blip from today's crop.

But then The Dribbling Drip Blip Duck sealed the deal. Anyone who's seen my journal over a few weeks knows that I like to get the odd drip blip or droplet blip when I can. If there's a bubble or a drip or a droplet, I'm blipping it! I've even tried an experiment with the sink, a dripping tap, and a faint hope, which was largely unsuccessful but provided a fun evening! (Do I need to get a life?)

So when The Dribbling Drip Blip Duck did his thing, he immediately earned his place as today's Blip!

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