As seen by me...

By GrantR

St Andrews Day Fireworks 2011

What a fun night that was. Was up on Calton for the fireworks at 6.50pm after a tip off it was at 7pm, this just showed that the Castle should actually tell people about this stuff. By half 7 I was frozen and decided since there was a slight wind it had probably been cancelled. By this time Calton was emptying of anyone that was up there for the fireworks.

Rather than just bale out, went to car and drove round to Regents Road so I could keep and eye open from the car rather than in a freezing wind. Got there, got a spot and the bloody things started. I reckon they must have got the ones left over from Asda at Fireworks night, not the most impressive I've seen from the Castle.

Rushed the setup, so not quite as sharp as it could be.

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