Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Portreigh Robin

I was determined to try and get a blip this morning before the rain arrived so I headed to Portreigh, a small hamlet on the edge of Carradale, looking for inspiration.

The skies were grey and there was little colour in any seascape shots. I then tried to blip a Curlew, but it took flight when it saw me. To make matters worse I slipped on the rocks and ended up on my backside! I decided to give up before either I or the camera got damaged and headed back to the car.

Just before I left the beach I spotted this wee Robin feeding amongst the rocks, which were littered with colourful leaves and seaweed. I must have taken about 40 shots to get half a dozen with the Robin in focus. Often it simply hopped out of shot just as I was blipping!

When we bought the original house in Carradale in 2003 a little Robin befriended us as we worked in the garden. In the middle of Winter as we started to clear trees and bushes the Robin was never far away, usually sitting on the edge of the barrow or a nearby fence post, waiting for worms that we dug up. We had already been looking to rename our house and decided that Brudhearg, the gaelic for Robin Redbreast would be appropriate.

I suspect I will be blipping more Robins during the Winter months!

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