Smile .....

....It increases your face value!

That is the sign I saw at my Dentist this morning. And it inspired me to do this toothy self portrait.

I don't know about any of you all (especially the ladies) but I would much rather go the the OB-GYN than the dentist!  Ok, that's probably oversharing! Sorry to all you fellas!

Contrary to popular opinion I have a small mouth (that's what the dentist says anyways!) and it can get rather painful to hold my mouth open wide enough and long enough for a proper cleaning.  My Hygenist is very thorough, so much so that I usually have to take Advil when I'm done!  But my teeth feel super clean and smooth!

After my cleaning I was off to do some Christmas shopping ~ what a mistake!  It's absolutely crazy out there!  And do you know how hard it is to find Power Ranger stuff! I had to go to three different stores before I found something. Thank, Target!

Yesterday was backblipped, please check it out.

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