Blue Liquid

Guess who woke up at 6:45 and couldn't get back to sleep? Yup, first day of my leave and I was awake, sods law. My mood was further darkened by hearing a snippet of news relating to yet another adjustment to the retirement age which will now, I think, see me work until I am 67. Its a blumming liberty. Its not that long ago when I was thinking I can make it to 60....67 seems like a bridge too far.

I may have to come up with a masterplan. The only one I have managed so far today is to bump off Mr Lif and then find myself a Sugar Daddy who could keep me in the style I could most easily become accustomed to by the time I am 55. I fear this plan is not foolproof on many counts and I may need to come up with a plan B. Suggestions on a postcard to Mrs Lif, Fife, Scotland.

Out tonight to meet up with some old friends and some new blipmates. Looking forward to that.

Today's blip is part of the Thursday winter experiment series. Last week a few others said they would not mind playing to and so we have agreed on some "themes" for our weekly experiments. Today's theme is LIQUID and is tagged as ETliquid should you fancy a nosey to see who else is playing.

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