Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

How it all began

Once upon a time in the land of BLIP, my owner Ann, had one glass of wine too many and decided to take a photo of me in the middle of the night. She did this because, Barry (in this blip with his wife Sarah), one of her directors at work, was her 'Facebook friend' and she'd been viewing his 'BLIPS' daily. In her 'slightly tipsy state' she thought; I can do that??!! .................And so she set up a Blip account and posted a photo of me fast asleep in bed.

Now she has developed an addiction to taking photos of me. - Is this better than a wine addiction?!

I have learnt a new word -'BLIP'. 'BLIP' means I have to sit/lie/stand and look irresistibly gorgeous while I have my photo taken. I've had to do this every single day for a whole year!

This whole 'BLIP' addiction is the fault of Barry, alias, Squiffy by the sea.

However, I absolutely love BLIP. I am totally, utterly and completely addicted to it. I cannot believe how nice the BLIP community is? Why anyone would want to follow the daily life of a boring little collie dog like me is beyond me?! But it seems that everyone loves me and I can't believe how many people want to meet me.

Thanks to all my BLIP fans I have become a 'spotlight' dog almost every day.
Through BLIP I have met three very lovely people in real life - KirstieG, Lilythelab, and baldycarrie. They all have excellent BLIP journals.

Every time I go on my walks and see someone with a camera I wonder if they are a 'BLIPPER'? If I were a more confident little collie I would just walk straight up to them and ask, 'Do you BLIP?' ..........But I'm not that confident and if I did that they might think I was some type of weirdo??!!

However, I would like to thank everyone who is subscribed to my BLIP, all my Facebook fans and everyone who has ever looked at my BLIPS.

So on my 365th BLIP .................... I have a plan ..............................

BLIP originated in EDINBURGH, I am going to be in EDINBURGH at New Year, and I would love to meet as many BLIPPERS as possible.

This is my plan:

I want to organise the 'BIGGEST BLIP MEET EVER?!' I'm thinking; the morning of Saturday 31st December 2011 at the top of Blackford Hill.

What do you think? Is anyone interested? Please BLIP me.

Alternatively if you want to contact me; my email address is:-


Thank you soo, soo much for making my first year in BLIP so fabulous.

Lots of love to you all
Molly Collie xxxxx

PS - Yes I did go in the trough before this blip was taken!

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