Chronic Sunshine

By ChronicSunshine

"The groves were God's first temples."

noun, plural fi·cus, fi·cus·es.
any of numerous chiefly tropical trees, shrubs, and vines belonging to the genus Ficus, of the mulberry family, having milky sap and large, thick or stiff leaves, including the edible fig, the banyan, and many species grown as ornamentals.

About a year into our marriage, my husband and I decided that we wanted our first indoor plant. He has an amazing green thumb, me...not so much. However, I love plants! So we decided on a little Ficus tree to start. A Walmart special, cost us under $10.00, and it even came with it's own little pot. We thought "he" was adorable! (How we decided on it's gender, I have no idea!:) So we bought him and took him home.

As strange as it may sound, we have come to love this plant. He has grown quite a bit in the last five years. He's been re-potted several times. He's been pruned time and again and always comes back better than ever.

We now have several indoor plants around the house. A few jasmine trees, African violets, etc...but no other plant will be as special to us as our first Ficus. :)

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