Another Languedoc year...

By SweetApricots

Oh dear

I've spent the day at the clinic in Pezenas today. It was completely the wrong thing to do. When my poor mum tripped and fell in the supermarket car park I lifted her into the car and drove her straight to the nearest emergency department.

Despite it being a head injury we had to wait six hours before a doctor saw her. Apparently I should have left her sitting in the car park and called the firemen. Then she'd have had someone see her straight away.

The upshot is that she is now in a hospital bed at the clinic without her clothes, specs (broken), purse, phone or language. She looks very lost. I'm not allowed to stay with her but I'll go in first thing tomorrow. Then she has to be taken to Beziers to see a specialist. She's extremely confused poor soul. What a rotten end to her birthday weekend.

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