First Snow of the Winter

Brrrrrr! It's cold. Car covered in frosty ice and paths slippy. But I bought sensible furry boots yesterday and they were so warm that kept them on at work too.

Happy that one thing is organised for the Christmas lunch. Instead of a turkey crown have ordered a 3 bird roll thing with stuffing - duck, turkey and chicken. It keeps everyone happy! And my brother cooks a ham so that's sorted too.

Monday was the usual mayhem with pram, bags, Ben running around the kitchen with 4 plastic trays, Cameron having a hurried tea in time for the Beavers (another badge for me to sew on)!

Ben had has first Christmas party and sat on Santa's knee. There were a few tears from some of the other toddlers but he didn't seem to phased by Santa. He is not the sensitive wee boy that his brother was at that age!

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