Loose clouds

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Weather appalling as ever, tried my very hardest to get some decent shots of at least something, but wind speed at 25mph constantly, did not help! I did make every attempt to stand in my *sunset field* for, er, a sunset... but the heavens opened, so I decided to lean out the upstairs window - as one does! :) Very dramatic indeed!

Little Larry Academy hits 100 blips:


Weather forecast as constant heavy rain, so I'll put Exeter on hold for the time being, it's a shame, as I would have liked to have gone, but it's no fun going in & out of shops in the wet.. although Exeter will probably get the sunshine (it usually does) it's just the journey there & back, I'd much prefer a dry night for the journey home.

I hope everyone is well... my mum is doing a bit better, she's been morphine free for 24 hours. Our home is beginning to look like a hot house, so many bunches of flowers from friends, on every table & shelf :) xxx

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