....and another one

.....yes, back to Caroline Bay this morning, like this one, there was another school group enjoying the sunshine. The day was a stunner, thos clouds so crisp and white, the sky blue.....and what have I done, but taken all the colour out!!!

My day started very early, left home at 6.30am for a work breakfast to say our goodbys to one of our ex physio who is moving to Dunedin with her husband and tiny wee baby.

I had some time to kill before the shops opened (had to finish my chrissy shopping) so went down to the beach. The tide was out, the waves were tiny and I loved the sand patterns.

We are off to Wanaka tomorrow to catch up with our family down there, looking forward to it.

For those that asked to see some more of Rachael's wedding photo's I have posted to my blog...finally!!

Have a great weekend


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