Journey Through Time

By Sue

Townsend's Warbler

I had a terrific birding opportunity in my backyard, just a while ago, but it happened so close to me that most of my photos were slightly out of focus. I was outside, in the cold sunshine, when a small flock of Townsend's Warblers came to the birdbath. And the trees, and the other fountain, that I was only a few feet from. Then a Kinglet appeared and I did get that image, but it's pretty much out of focus. They are so small and so fast. Then our resident hummingbird took offense that these guys were at "his" fountain and he showed up and tried to shoo them away. Then the warbler's went to the main birdbath and slopped around in the water and then they left.

Even though most of my photos weren't terrific, I am going to post this one anyway, mostly because I might not see these guys again until spring. They seem to stop by on their way to and from somewhere else.

I hope I have a chance to get a decent photo of a Kinglet sometime, because these are interesting little birds. They are either Ruby or Golden crowned, and overall a kind of olive green color. They and the bushtits are North America's smallest song birds. They have big eyes that are rather endearing.

Townsend's Warbler. Need to be a smidge more clarity.

Out of focus Kinglet

My Fountain!!!

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