A time for everything

By turnx3

Tree's up!

Started decorating the house this afternoon, but I missed my helpers. We usually put this (artificial) tree up Thanksgiving weekend when the kids are home, and they usually take care of assembling it, and then I join in with decorating it. But this year, Jen and Jason were the only ones to make it home, and they were only home for two days. It took me most of the afternoon just to assemble the tree and decorate it. Afterwards, I realized I still hadn't put the tree skirt around the base, but by then it was late and I couldn't be bothered to take the picture again! We did also go out to buy the real tree which we put up in the family room - unfortunately we had to do that in the rain this year. We put that up in the evening and I started decorating it but didn't finish.

One year ago: First accumulating snowfall of the season!

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