
The Tree of Scarlet Berries
Amy Lowell

The rain gullies the garden paths
And tinkles on the broad sides of grass blades.
A tree, at the end of my arm, is hazy with mist.
Even so, I can see that it has red berries,
A scarlet fruit,
Filmed over with moisture.
It seems as though the rain,
Dripping from it,
Should be tinged with colour.
I desire the berries,
But, in the mist, I only scratch my hand on the thorns.
Probably, too, they are bitter.

Robins and berries, and our little Berry, both the focus of today. Early last evening we noticed little Raspberry straining in her box again, so it's off to the vets today. She is acting normally and actually voided pretty normally late last evening and this morning. Of course the trip this morning was when I was taking T to the train. I am 99% sure it was Raz, the old man Max goes like a race horse.

Just back from a trip to the vet with our Raspberry. She is our baby, so it takes a lot out of me. Suspected UTI, 2 weeks of antibiotics, pocket $100 poorer. They could not get her to cooperate for a urine sample(by needle), so we had to leave with usually mild-mannered Berry in a giant growling huff and the preventative pills. Add lots of water to her food, call back Wednesday . When we got home she immediately exited her carrier, went to her cat box and tinkled a fine there!

Not having a sample saved us $177.

For the Record,
This day came in cold and frosty.

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