
By earthdreamer

The Lightning Fork Tree

I've had a day at the office I'd rather like to forget. Some seemingly straightforward tasks that should have been done and dusted at the end of last week are still dragging on. And I'm fed up with it! The saving grace of the day was a run at lunchtime where I did a few circuits of Northcliffe Park. It was a beautiful winter's day and perfect for training, the sun appearing regularly as it broke through the clouds. It's unlike me to return to the same place but there were a few requests to see Friday's Leaning Tree from a different perspective and I thought I'd oblige.

Here you can see better see the extraordinary angle at which it leans. It serves to show how amazingly strong the root system must be. It's very much leaning with the wind, towards the east, but all the other trees in the vicinity are dead vertical. I can only think it has been seeking some free space into which to grow.

It's now 7.30pm and I'm off back home shortly. I might not get to the catch-up that I had hoped for tonight, and many apologies for that. At least the blip has come through!

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