The Hazyland Boys

By TheHazylandBoys

Dark, Cold, Wet and Muddy!

Happy Lucia Day everyone!

Dark, cold, wet and muddy! 4 words that describe our walk today perfectly! Brrrrr, I really don't do winter and cold well.

The boys and I went for an extra long walk when I came home today. Over the fields to the woods and through the village home. The boys loved it and to be honest, I thought it was good too - despite the cold, wet, muddy dark.

Another picture of Biscuit in the dark - this time he is in the woods.

The Border Collies always have big yellow eyes when I've used the flashlight, so be prepared for lots of Biscuit pictures these next dark winter months! His blue eyes just look better on these dark shots.

Wooohoooo Hero made it to the spotlight yesterday! Thank you!

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