Jess @ Jesus

By jessatjesus


This is my hair after a shower. I think it looks a mess but I love how the light catches the redness so well. I know it's a rubbish photo, but I have no motivation tonight. Apologies for a few terrible photos in a row.

Generally, you would believe that school would start to slow down before Christmas...appears not so when you're in Year 11. I have a few pieces of coursework to complete and one mock exam left before it is Christmas.

I will be heading to London on Friday afternoon for a few days! Sheer excitement! I went shopping tonight with my mum and Lewis and all that I wanted was a new hoody that would be comfy and warm. I didn't find a thing. I couldn't even find any in the women's section so I gave up; Lewis and I ended up wandering the Metro Centre finding funny things that we could give as presents. Twins, eh? Double trouble?

I just want a warm bed and some sleep.

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