Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Let me tell you a story...

I work the markets, countrywide, selling organic fruit and vegetables.
I have places where I always am, and others that I just visit from time to time.
I get to know people, if I am lucky.

A number of years ago, in Howth, I was lucky enough to get to know R and her daughter, M. Good people, good customers.

Hadnt seen them in almost two years, until Sunday just gone.
Asked R how things were going.
She crumpled.
"We lost Tom just Wednesday", she told me.
Tom is her husband, M's father, who dropped dead while they were on holiday in Egypt.

M, the daughter, noticed that I was wet and freezing in the face of the pier-front winter storm.
Within the hour, she arrived back with a pair of mittens, a sweater, and a scarf, which had belonged to her Dad.

"These were Toms", she said, "he has no use for them anymore".

In this picture, I am wearing Toms scarf, and proud to wear it.

R and M.
Good People.

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