Powers of Recall

The 1.2 was delivered back to me today. I had forgotten that the address on the letterhead was not the address I was meant to be returning the lens to. One might be forgiven for thinking that it was a subliminal desire to have the lens back in my hot little hands and one might be right if it wasn't for the rather extortionate late fee and double carriage I will be paying. That and the little telling off I got from the hire company. It scares me how often I am doing this sort of thing. I just can't seem to remember anything these days. It really is causing me all sorts of trouble.

I wasn't even going to leave my sickbed today but thought I might as well air myself and have the pleasure of shooting wide open on such a dull day. It turned out to be just the tonic I needed to raise my spirits. There was a wonderfully festive atmosphere on the streets of London today.

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