A Wave On The Ocean

By Bensholto

Running on empty.....


I'm struggling at the mo??.a very busy few days, and prolonged headaches due to being over-tired.

I took about one hundred photos on Wednesday?..

Some of the moon on Wednesday morning, not long after sunrise??but I didn't want to just do moon photos??..I need to find ways to push myself every now and again.

A quick drive to a local reservoir that I've thought of using as a photographic opportunity led to a car journey of over an hour, only to find I couldn't get onto the reservoir from where I was, so I headed to Daisy Nook and took some long exposure shots of the lake and the clouds again??but I'm not really happy with those, they were just filler and not really what I wanted.

So instead I did a few photos like this one.

You might want to call this impromptu self portrait an experiment made real, if you're feeling particularly verbose. Or call it an emergency blip if you're a cynic and don't believe a word I say??.

A very dark room (it was around 11pm when I decided to try this) - the only light you can see comes from the screen of my iPhone, handheld and just out of shot.

I was looking in a mirror so that I could see the screen on the camera.

Canon S90, handheld again, in full manual mode.

And this is how I got to Wednesday's blip. More experiments to come.

I just can't get away with wearing my glasses when trying to get a photo of myself. Too much glare and reflection.


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