Snapshot family world

By Lightchaser12

Rainy day , blues brushing the sadness away

Woke up, and after a cup coffee took up my guitar to play a few riffs of blues. Music has been always a powerfull tool to express one-self or to use as a healing tool. Without music there would be no world. I have been always 'musical' from childhood. My parents used to play records of classical music and i enjoyed it so much. Sadly my taste and hearing got a bit spoiled by 'modern' music. I don't say it is bad but it's another quality. Whenever i have a bit of disturbance in mind classical or new age music does me good. As a young child i was also early impressed by the electrical guitar. I would just go to an instrument shop and stare for a long time to all this beautifull fenders and gibsons. Later on i bought guitar myself and learned it quite quickly. PS I post processed a bit with Photoshop to get the brush effect in my pic.

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