The Life of Bri

By bri

Summer nights

Went into Edinburgh for the evening to watch the football and catchup over a few beers.

Phoned all the taxi companies I have numbers for on the train home, but no-one was answering, so I had to walk - about 45 minutes. It wasn't a bad night for it - enough light to see by the edges of the road by, warm and dry.

When you can't see too well your other senses start to compensate - so I started to recognise where I was by the smells on the breeze - pine woods, horse manure, honeysuckle, then as I passed an isolated group of houses, woodsmoke, freshly sawn timber and the taint of diesel from a parked lorry.

Then a scented grassy smell, which I eventually identified as fields of oats - and then I came to the lights of the village - and stopped smelling...

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