Bah humbug

Today UK Uncut overcame some all-too-familiar total policing to provide some welcome entertainment for poor buggers like these.

It was the usual targets on the usual grounds of the scandalous amounts of tax that they dodge, and that we reckon could be helping make the current economic situation a little less horrible.

We turned up, held a mic check flash mob in Top Shop, sang adapted Xmas carols outside Vodafone and Boots, and got plenty of smiles from passersby.

This, though, was despite the best efforts of the Met. Five were arrested for little more than shouting in a shop, which is admittedly a bit weird under normal circumstances - but does it really merit handcuffs? Lindsay meanwhile caused a stir by turning up "armed" with a helmet. A bike helmet, that is.

Elsewhere, we were pushed into the traffic (so as not to "obstruct the highway") or, in the case of two young women, to the ground and almost trampled as once again London's biggest gang totally over-reacted in the face of good-humoured protest.

A fitting end, then, to a year where calling for social justice has repeatedly been met with physical violence and widespread condemnation. And Cameron wants us to act more Christian...

I ask you to reflect on this: once again we had aggressive 1:1 policing for a peaceful protest today to protect not people or even property, but simply profits. Yet when London burned in August, it took them hours to show up in such numbers.

Who's in this together?

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