
Sunday is now drawing to a close, this time next week Christmas Day here in NZ will be drawing to a close too.

I am about to start wrapping up the Christmas parcels for the Wellington family, and wanted to record this framed picture of Ella & Harry.
I took this when they were both toddlers (Ella is now almost 6, Harry 4). Janelle, their Mum & our daughter always liked this photo. A couple of years ago dups, pcc & I did a weekend workshop with Mary-Jo Bedford on using your images is creative ways. I had put this one on some calico (can't remember how), stuffed into a drawer & forgot about it, only found it a couple of months ago when I was busy doing some decluttering.

So here it is, now beautifully framed ..... like the way it still has the frayed edges showing. You may need to go large

Thats my garden around the outside, don't ask me why I did this cause it looks a bit stupid, but the framed image just looked boring (& now I have recorded my garden at the same time)

Thanks one and all for putting my" snow covered christmas tree" up to the top row of certainly didn't look like it had come from a kiwi summer!!


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