A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

From Russia with Love

I thought I would have lots of blip opportunities today as I had planned to walk this morning ( slept in and it was miserable and wet anyway), and was having lunch with friends. Poor Marita who has recently had an op wasn't feeling up to it so we have postponed our lunch until the New Year.

These decorations are from Russia and I have been itching to photograph them since September when I bought them. I know they are Russian as they were sold by the Russian singing group Blagovest who visited our church. Selling these crafts is they only way they make any money as they are not paid, relying on donations and accommodation provided in there host towns and villages.

Last year I bought a traditional Russian doll here
and this is the same as the snowman fits inside the Santa and then they both fit inside the Christmas tree. Felt a bit guilty when I bought it so early in the year but I am glad I did.

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