The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

Browning Gold 3½"Semi-auto 12 bore....

I don't use this enough, it is a great gun too, a Browning Gold 3½" Chamber and can use Magnum Cartridges, which are so expensive that I only buy them in 10's. Tomorrow I am going out with it to see if I can get the Christmas Roast, and no, not a Pigeon, a Goose would be nice, if not I will buy a Turkey again, after all I only go really for the Bang, it doesn't matter if I hit anything.

The works is very quite only a handful of guys in this week but no production is being done, but the Clamp is still firing and will continue until New Years Eve, then the works will be switched of for the final time.

But until then, we have to keep positive.

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