New Bird Table

My mother's bird table was on its last legs and last week's wild winds saw it off. So now she has a nice new one. Put it out this morning and within a few minutes it was covered in starlings. Once they'd given it their seal of approval, everybird else arrived. Can you spot four birds in this picture? Two starlings on the table, a blue-tit in the squirrel-proof nuts-holder, and a robin on one of the pots to the right of the table.

Blipping late tonight as we've had no internet connection all day - and still haven't got our normal connection. But while I've been out line-dancing. Mr PicturePoems has charged up the dongle and so I'm able to get online before bed. Phew. I've been suffering withdrawal symptoms all day!

Will try and catch up with comments anon - probably not tonight as I'm worn out!

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