Saltspring pictures

By Ernie

Low forest fire danger

... but Christmas will soon hit! It is so nice to see how our fire fighters are active in our community. And not only when something is going up in flames.

This is the old fire hall number one, located in downtown Ganges. It is outdated and does not serve its purpose well. Since several years they have been looking for a new location to built a new fire hall. But nobody wants a fire hall in their back yard. The first suggested place was discarded after a loud public outcry. The second place was voted down in a referendum. Now, a third place, and in fact the best possible, is under discussion. It is quite close to our village, and I'm a strong supporter of this location. But of course there are people in the village who are opposed to have fire station as a neighbour. They complain that they can be forced to leave the island, if this plan is realized.

As one of my friends said, protests is the national sport of Saltspring.

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