Journeys day by day

By KathleenS

Freezing fog on a Winter's day

Happy first day of winter. We had another round of freezing fog today, which sugar coated everything in a fine sparkly dust. It's amazing one day I'm devoid of any blip material, and the next I could snap all day long and have a hard time choosing what to blip. Today was the latter...first the sugar coated little juniper in the pot, then the sidewalk tree grate, then the frosted bamboo, the spider web, and even a squirrel having lunch, and this was all on the walks from the train to work to the spot I ate lunch and back. I chose the web, although Sue's is better, because it might not be there tomorrow (it looks like more freezing fog in the forecast) and all the other things will. My shot does not do the web justice, it's amazing to see in 3-D.

One more work day left, and then 3 days of holiday weekend. I need the break so badly I can taste it, but probably will make better use of the weekend after as it's another 3 day break with NO PLANS. I will not make plans either. I will entertain whatever whim hits me at the time and if that's many naps, that's fine with me.

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