Dreaming in Blues

By SapphireDreamer


Was asked to help a friend move out today.
Spent most of the day helping him move out and playing what he called "the most difficult game of tetris ever".
I had no idea that he had so much stuff!
We filled his car and mine and made it to Columbus around 9.

Then the unpacking.
At 10, we went to see THE HULK! WOO!
Not too bad. Not too bad at all.
Little difficult to believe Edward Norton as Bruce Banner and there was one 'plotting' scene that made me cringe. (I had difficulty believing it)
Hooray for ultra-screen! Even *with* a headache, a pretty good movie.
And there were some amazing action scenes.
Although the firepower got a bit out of hand, in my opinion.

Anyway...a long, tiring, but fun day.

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